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Deep Shredder 13

Deep Shredder 13 Mac is a professional computer chess program by Stefan Meyer-Kahlen, the eighteen times world computer chess champion. Magic box games. It combines extremely powerful play with easy handling. The play of the program can be variably adjusted to any strength, so that everyone can find an adequate chess partner. Many functions for analyzing one’s own games as well as a built-in coach, who is alert of one’s mistakes, help to improve your play.
Summary: chess, Stefan Meyer-Kahlen, partner
Concepts: World Computer Chess Championship, Computer chess, Chess engine, Swedish Chess Computer Association, Chess, Rybka, Shredder, Stefan Meyer-Kahlen
/hobbies and interests/games/chess
/art and entertainment/visual art and design/design
Tags:Stefan Meyer-Kahlen, adequate chess partner, Deep Shredder, world computer chess, Stefan Meyer-KahlenCategories, times world, professional computer chess, easy handling, built-in coach, chess champion, entertainment/visual art, Chess Championship, Chess engine, Swedish Chess, Rybka, program, play

Stefan Meyer-Kahlen

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C: Program Files (x86) ShredderChess Deep Shredder 13 unins000.exe is the full command line if you want to uninstall Deep Shredder 13. Deep Shredder 13's main file takes around 17.25 MB (18082816 bytes) and is called Shredder.exe. Deep Shredder 13 installs the following the executables on your PC, occupying about 20.41 MB (21399088 bytes) on disk. 334 Elo does not mean 334 Elo added to Shredder's CCRL rating. It looks like Deep Shredder 13 is stronger than Houdini 4 - and about the same strength as Komodo 8. That is extremely impressive considering where it came from, that being 29th place on the CCRL list. Furthermore, this is only the third engine that I have seen surpass Houdini 4. Welcome to Shredder Chess The Shredder chess programs by Stefan Meyer-Kahlen provide a game playing and analysis tool for everybody and are accepted as one of the best chess programs of the world. Since 1996 Shredder has won nineteen titles as World Computer Chess Champion which makes Shredder the most successful chess program ever.

Deep Shredder 13 Download

  • Deep Shredder 13 LinuxDeep Shredder 13 Linux is a professional computer chess program by Stefan Meyer-Kahlen, […]
  • Shredder 13 MacShredder 13 Mac is a professional computer chess program by Stefan Meyer-Kahlen, the […]
  • Deep Shredder 9 MacDeep Shredder 9 Mac is a professional computer chess program by Stefan Meyer-Kahlen, the […]
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  • Shredder 13 LinuxShredder 13 Linux is a professional computer chess program by Stefan Meyer-Kahlen, the […]
  • Shredder 10 UCIShredder 10 UCI is a professional computer chess program by Stefan Meyer-Kahlen, the ten […]
  • Shredder 9 UCIShredder 9 UCI is a professional computer chess program by Stefan Meyer-Kahlen, the nine […]
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  • Deep Shredder 10 UCIDeep Shredder 10 UCI is a professional computer chess program by Stefan Meyer-Kahlen, […] Deep Shredder 13 Mac is the best Shredder for Apple Macintosh computers with multiple processors or one multi core processor.

Deep Shredder 13 Android


Deep Shredder 13 Mac works also fine on computers with one processor and one core, but cannot develop his full power there and is comparable to Shredder 13 Mac on those machines.

Omnisphere challenge code keygen no virus. You will also get the latest version of the Shredder user interface. Deep Shredder 13 Mac runs on all Apple Macintosh with Mac OS X 10.8 or higher.

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Deep Shredder 13
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